
Rights and Options of Students Who Have Experienced Sexual Harassment or Violence

如果你经历过性骚扰或性暴力, Principia cares and wants you to be aware of the rights and options available to you. 这些权利和选择总结如下. 有关更完整的语句,请参见:


处理性骚扰和性别骚扰报告的大学政策原则, DISCRIMINATION, 性行为不端 

如果你经历过性骚扰或性暴力, you have the following rights and options:

  • To Report (or not report) to Law Enforcement or Principia’s Campus Security or both.

    • 执法部门:618-498-6881或911

    • 主要保安:办公室618-374-5470或门房618-374-5111

  • To Report (or not report) to Principia College, including to the Office of the Dean of Students.

    • Title IX Coordinator, Elise Crow, Office: 314-275-3548, extension 3575 on campus

    • 学生主任:
      Erin Rainwater, School of Government Suite 156 - Office: 618-374-5162 or Cell: 802-233-2785

    • 任何住校辅导员、教职员工或其他工作人员
      (Note: that all faculty and staff – except for the Confidential Advisor – are considered mandatory reporters and are required by law to share details of your conversation with 第九条协调员).

  • 与机密顾问交谈 谁不需要向执法部门报告性暴力事件, 安全原理, 第九条协调员, 或政府当局. The Principia Confidential Advisor is not a counselor but is trained to provide support and guidance regarding resources and grievance processes for those who have experienced sexual harassment and violence. A Principia Confidential Advisor is subject only to narrow safety-related exceptions and will otherwise keep your report and information private and confidential. Principia’s Confidential Advisor is: Tiffiny Randolph (Rackham House RC), 314-503-7821 or Tiffiny.Randolph@Principia.edu.

  • 在通知执法部门方面获得协助. 协助你向执法部门举报的人员包括:

  • 了解您的隐私权: 
    一旦Principia收到可能违反政策的报告, confidentiality will be preserved unless there is a safety need that takes precedence. Any information shared will be with the knowledge of the Parties and limited to a need-to-know basis. Principia strongly encourages Parties in a grievance process to maintain confidentiality and to avoid publicly discussing their case during an investigation and while any hearings are being conducted.

  • 要求采取临时保护措施和/或提供便利. 学生主任, 第九条协调员, or other administrators can coordinate interim measures to immediately assist your well-being, including, 但不限于, 学术变化, living, dining, working, 交通状况. You can request assistance in obtaining a no-contact directive and/or an order of protection in State court. 如果你觉得你的学术可能会受到你的经历的影响, Principia可以帮助您进行适当的学术调整, 包括与教授的交流, coaches, 校园雇主. 

  • 在网上匿名举报. The online submission form allows for, but does not require, identifying information of the reporter. 有关表格可于《十大网络彩票平台大全》的网页(网址: http://prinweb.principia.edu/internal/report-assault. Note that Principia’s ability to investigate and provide support may be limited if the Parties are not identified. 决定不保持匿名, 知道:(1)第九条报告的保密性是严格执行的. (2) Retaliation against reporters of sexual misconduct is prohibited and may be grounds for sanctions under Principia’s Policy.

  • 请求和接受获得支持服务的协助, 包括地方卫生和精神卫生服务, counseling, 倡导服务. 下面列出了一些选项. Contact Elise Crow, Erin Rainwater, or Tiffiny Randolph for help locating additional services.

    • UWill Free Online Counseling Services for Principia Students: Students can register and book their first session here: (http://app.uwill.com/)

    • 呼叫帮助公司. Sexual Assault Crisis Center located in Alton provides confidential assistance and counseling. 顾问可在618-462-0552 24小时/天.

    • 在考克斯小屋的校园里可以找到一个免费的基督教科学实践者. 更多的从业者(收费)可以在这里找到 christianscience.com

  • 通过原则的非正式或正式申诉程序寻求解决方案. For more information, contact Title IX Coordinator Elise Crow at 314-275-3548 or elise.crow@principia.edu.
    或参阅《十大网络彩票平台大全》的政策:(见网页/办公室/学生生活/标题ix -性骚扰)

  • If you request a formal resolution process and investigation and/or if Principia concludes an investigation is appropriate, 调查将由外部调查人员立即进行, thorough, fair, 公正的态度. It will consist of gathering and evaluating relevant information from the reporting and responding parties and any identified witnesses. 在调查期间, the Reporting Party/survivor and the Responding Party will not be required to be in the same room. 经过调查, a trained Hearing Panel may meet with parties and witnesses to clarify reports and determine responsibility. The standard of proof used to determine whether the policy regarding sexual violence has been violated is a “preponderance of the evidence” standard (or whether it is “more likely than not that the policy was violated.”)

    • Any student found in violation of the sexual harassment and violence policy will be subject to appropriate discipline, 从教育到书面谴责再到开除校长. Discipline imposed will depend on a variety of factors and may include academic, 相貌平平措施, or suspension.

    • 在整个过程中, both the Reporting Party/survivor and the Responding Party have the right to receive notification of the charges, 辨认证人并提供有关资料, to review and to comment on the results of the investigation within a specified time period, 及时收到书面决定, 并对判决提出上诉. In addition, Reporting Parties and Responding Parties may have a Support Person of their choice accompany them to any meeting or proceeding related to an alleged violation of Principia’s policy.

    • 对违反行为准则的人实行大赦. Any violation of the Code of Conduct disclosed in good faith by a reporting party or witness will not result in sanctions. Fear of discipline due to violation of the Code of Conduct should not be an obstacle to students coming forward, 举报袭击, 或者获得支持.

  • 如果你是国际学生 who has withdrawn from classes after experiencing an incident of sexual violence, Principia will work to help mitigate the impact of a potential withdrawal on your Visa.